Text here
I would like to post pictures between blocks of text.

Test post back with blogger droid. Picture of ryan at top.
Picture of vic below:
Well, as I was a bit rushed earlier, I am now having another go. My only limitation right now is that my phone battery is about to die.
My picture post earlier didn't quite work either. I was using a different app, but I've now binned that and decided I'll be better off just sussing out the official Blogger app. So here goes. Let's see if I can post a picture below.
Well I just uploaded a pic and there doesn't appear to be any place holder for the image. Looks like it's not going to be possible to write a well laid out blog from my phone. I'll take a look on my laptop later and see how that is. Hopefully it's what I am looking for. At least then I'll be able to put together some decent blog posts and maybe just post short and sweet posts from my phone as and if required.
Here's another pic attempt.
Here goes.